Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Kylie - Adopted

Name: Kylie
Sex: Female (altered)
Breed: Pomeranian/Chihuahua Mix
Age: 8 ½ years
Location: Bruce, WI

Vet/Medical Info: On 11/15/2011 Kylie had a dental, several teeth were extracted. She had bloodwork done and everything was within the normal range. Kylie is spayed. Verified info from previous ownership - Kylie received her rabies vaccination (1 yr) on 5/4/2011. She received her distemper (DA2PP) and bordatella vacs on 9/30/2011, she also had a fecal and HW test on this date - both negative.

Owner Info: DOB August 2003. Kylie was listed with us last year, she was adopted in November and now her new owners are wanting to find a new home for her. Kylie has been showing aggression/nipping at the husband. They have 3 year old son and are concerned for his safety. They have contacted prior owner but she cannot take her back. Also contacted veterinarian for rehoming help and contacted family member who works at PetSmart. According to prior owner, Kylie has bilateral retinal degeneration and has been blind for approximately 2-3 years. They adopted her when she was three months old, she had come into the vet her past owner worked at with a broken leg. She made sure Kylie got the surgery and rehabilitation she needed. The right rear leg doesn't bend, but its functional and she has little to no pain in it. Her previous owner stated she was wonderful with kids, her 9 month old could pull on her hair and pet her and do basically whatever and she just licks him. Kylie was trained to be a therapy dog (group was called the Delta Therapy group, since disbanded) so she has had a lot of obedience training. She has basic and advanced obedience along with therapy dog certification. Because of her fused leg she cannot walk down stairs but can walk up (now with strict supervision due to her blindness). Her previous owner also stated she does well with smaller dogs but is very fearful of larger dogs, she is good with cats and small animals. Her previous owner stated she moved around slowly and she had a special harness made for her that has a bar in front that acted as a bumper so she doesn't head butt the wall. With her new owners, Kylie is currently on a weight-loss diet and exercise for mobility. In spite of her issues, she's an active dog. Kylie is presently an indoor dog with the run of the house, she is housebroken and leash trained. She's a clever girl and knows commands such as sit, stop, come, stay, lay down, step up, step down, turn around, watch out, let's go potty, let's go eat, let's go night night and let's get a carrot. She is an outgoing girl, good with women, teenagers and other dogs. Kylie adapted to her new home very well, she had no trouble with layout of house, had it mastered within a day. Outside of her aggression issues towards the husband, she's been a fantastic, lovable dog. Kylie's owners are willing to transport Kylie to wherever needed if it helps get her that much closer to finding a new home.

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