Names: Bean and his sister (no name given)
Breed: AKC Labradors
Sex: Bean (male) and sister
Age: 4 weeks
Location: Northwestern Louisiana
info: Bean
and his sister have been bottle fed their entire lives. Bean's
sister had an eye infection at one week old and was
treated. They have been wormed three times and have had one parvo
only shot. They weigh 1 1/2 pounds.
Owner Info: Bean and his sister (no name given) are adorable AKC lab puppies who were born blind. Bean is a male chocolate lab and his sister is the black lab. Their mother had 11 and killed all but these two. They have been with a rescue since they were three days old and have been bottle fed their whole lives. They are very small. Their current rescue has 60 bottle babies in their care. Their rescue is extremely concerned that Bean and his sister will end up as bait dogs or in the wrong hands and they are doing everything they can think of to help these special pups find good homes. They note that the pups' health appears to be good other than being blind.
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