Name: No name
Age: Unknown
Breed: Unknown, possibly shepherd mix
Sex: Male (not neutered)
Location: Akron, OH area
Info: Vet
estimates he is 10 years old, he weighs 44 lbs. The vet says he's extremely thin, has broken and cracked teeth, had extremely long
nails, is blind, and is partially deaf. Despite all of this, he's a sweet,
sweet dog!!
Info: This sweet
boy was found on the side of the road and has been with a Good Samaritan for a
few days, she will keep him until a forever home or rescue is found. He
is an outdoor dog without restrictions and it is not known if he is housebroken
or good with other dogs and cats. He does appear to be somewhat nervous
and shy. He has not shown any possession with toys, treats, or food, and
has not shown any aggression. He appears to be fully blind. They
write, "he is just really scared but very sweet!" They are
very much hoping that we can help!
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