Thursday, September 29, 2016


Name: Murphy
Age: 9 months     
Breed: Great Pyrenees/Anatolian Shepherd
Sex: Male (altered)
Location: Indian River County, FL

Vet Info: Murphy is confirmed neutered and up to date on vaccines.  He is heartworm negative as of 8/25/16.  Murphy weighs about 65 pounds. Murphy is completely blind but may have light/dark sensitivity.  His owners gave us more details about Murphy's eye issues:  "After having the puppy (Murphy) for a month we noticed he was a little bit clumsier than a puppy usually is and his eyes moved around. We brought him to the Vet, who suspected he had cataracts. We then brought him to a Veterinary Ophthalmologist who confirmed that he not only had cataracts, he was not showing any signs of sight. He discovered that both of his retinas are detached. He thinks he has been blind since birth, possibly due to bad breeding. We then brought him to a retina specialist who said he MAY be a candidate for reattachment but there is no way to know....We purchased a sonar unit that he has been wearing for several months so he navigates as though he can see."   

"Murphy is taking fluoxetine 40mg/day and he takes zyrtec for itching of unknown origin (allergies maybe).

Owner Info: DOB 12/17/2015. Murphy is a gorgeous and very sweet fellow whose owners are hoping we can help!  They write, "My daughter got Murphy as a puppy from a person who sells dogs for a breeder. He was sold to her as being a Great Pyrenees."  Murphy was diagnosed as being blind about a month later, and as Murphy's owner is in her last year of high school and works, they know they cannot give Murphy the time he needs.   "She is in her last year of High School and is working. She can not give Murphy the time that he needs to be trained. He needs to be watched more closely than sighted dogs, so he is crated more hours than is ideal for a dog his age and size. With the hours we work and with my daughter's schedule, it isn't fair to Murphy."  They are very much hoping we'll have room for sweet Murphy!  

Murphy is an indoor dog who is crated.  He is housebroken and leash trained and knows the command, Sit! Murphy is good with men and women, and currently lives with three cats that he plays with.  Murphy's owners tell us he loves small animals, but that they don't know about large dogs because he isn't around them.  However, "Murphy gets along with all dogs when we are on walks that is his extent of his social involvement with others at the moment." Murphy is not possessive of toys, treats, or food, and has never shown any aggression.  When answering if they feel Murphy adapts well to new situations, his owners tell us, "He had very bad separation anxiety when we first got him but we did not know that he was blind at all. He has been prescribed fluoxetine which solved this issue."

Murphy's owners want us to know what a great and very special dog he is, and are hoping we can help!  "great dog, not fair he should be crated as much as he is in this situation".

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