Name: Pitch Black
Age: 7 weeks
Sex: Female (not altered)
Breed: 1/2 Catahoula, 1/4 Dane?, 1/4
Tulsa, OK
Vet Info: Her owner brought her to OSU,
and he writes,"the OSU vet hospital said that her lens is connected to the
cornea from birth and is not operable. She may one day be able to obtain a
little peripheral vision depending on how the fluid shapes the lens according
to the vet." It is also possible that she may develop glaucoma as
she gets older. She is not current on vaccinations and her owner writes
that he does his own shots.
Info: Born
12/11/13. Pitch Black is an adorable little girl who was born 12/11/13.
Her owner is a college student who is very much hoping for rescue as he
is not able to care for her or provide an adequate home. The breeding was
not planned and he's found homes for all of the other puppies. He's never
had a blind puppy and he doesn't want to have to bring her to the shelter. He's
not able to keep her for long. Her owner writes, "She was the smallest pup
in the litter. She is still half the size of the other puppies but she seems
healthy. The OSU vet hospital did not find anything else wrong with her during
the checkup before testing her eyes." Pitch Black is an outdoor dog with a
fenced yard. Her owner checked on the form that she is a nervous puppy,
and wrote, "She had a hard time at first and would just back up and whine
until someone touched her or picked her up. She is now 6 1/2 weeks old and will
follow you as long as she hears your foot steps or make noise within her ear
range." She is not possessive of toys, treats, or food, and has
never bitten or snapped, "other than puppy play".
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