Name: Gino
Age: 10 years
Breed: Welsh Terrier
Sex: Male (altered)
Location: Jacksonville, FL area
Vet Info: Gino is
confirmed neutered and up to dates on vaccines. He is next due for a
rabies vaccine on October 29, 2016. He is heartworm negative. Gino
weighs about 13 - 14 pounds. Gino's owner gave us more info about his
eyes: "Gino has had both eyes enucleated. He had cateracts in
both eyes and was partially going blind. He chewed apart a steel kennel/cage
and bent the wire and poked into one eye, that is when I had that one removed.
The other the doctor said had a detached retina and was getting infected frequently
and it was decided it would be better just to go ahead and remove that eye
Owner Info: Gino is a very
handsome little boy who was rehomed from a friend dying of cancer. Gino's
current owner feels he has no quality of life with him as Gino suffers from
separation anxiety and his owner works 8 to 10 hours every day, and some
weekends. Gino's owner writes, "the more he is alone, the worse
he is getting". Other rescues have told him that because of
Gino's condition and demeanor, they don't think he is adoptable. Gino's
owner is very much hoping for BDRA placement for Gino. Gino is an indoor dog
confined to one area of the house, he is housebroken and leash trained.
Gino is good with both male and female dogs, but can be possessive with food.
His owner gave us more details, "He is beginning to snap at me if I try
and get on to him when he has messed up the are where he is kept. Even though
he is blind he is very stubborn about coming back into the house and will
attempt to quickly move away from me when I go and get him to bring him inside."
He also tells us that Gino can find his way back into the house from
outside, but does spend a lot of time spinning in circles and can get confused
trying to get his bearings. We asked for more details about Gino's behavior:
"Gino seems to be friendly
and good with everyone he comes into contact with. He is loved by everyone at
his groomers and at the Vet office. I don't have many visitors at home but at
my old apartment he would roam through and visit some of the workers in the
office downstairs. He was left to roam in the back yard area during the
mornings and afternoons. I believe that the snapping is because he is so
unhappy about being locked away when I am not at home. Also if he messes in the
house and I try and scold him. He has changed since I moved into the new house.
Sleeps most of the time when I am home because he wears himself out when I am
gone whining and trying to get out of the area I have him confined in."
His owner also wants us to know,
"Gino is a good dog with a good spirit but just needs a home where
people or other animals are around so he is not left alone. He loves to chase a
full-size basketball around in a contained area and he will spend hours doing
that. He is very aggressive with water hoses and sprinklers but is very gentle
and does not mind a bath or being groomed. His groomer and his vet love
him....I am desperate to find Gino a new home. I took on this responsibility
and told his former owner that I would take care of him but he is becoming more
needy as he gets older and I would love to have somewhere he could just
'retire' and enjoy the remainder of his life. Being cooped up in my house all
day and only being able to roam a few hours in the evening is just not what he
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