Name: Mandy Moore
Age: Estimated 4 months
Breed: Golden Retriever
Sex: Female (not altered)
Location: Austin, TX
Vet Info: Mandy Moore
is not yet spayed and has not had a heartworm test. She is up to date on
puppy vaccines as of June 13th. Mandy Moore weighs about 12 pounds.
Owner Info: Mandy Moore
is a beautiful girl who was saved from a high kill shelter with no rescue or
adoption traffic. Her rescuer knew she would not make it if she left her
behind. She is not able to keep Mandy Moore as she is an independent
rescuer and pulls and fosters many dogs, and always has many dogs at
home. She is very much hoping for placement for Mandy Moore. Mandy
Moore is an outdoor dog with a fenced yard, she is not housebroken or leash
trained. She is a friendly little girl and is good with people of all
ages, male and female dogs, and cats, and currently lives with several other
dogs. Mandy Moore is not possessive of toys, treats, or food, and has
never shown any aggression. Her rescuer writes that Mandy Moore is
partially blind, and that she follows her voice or whistle. She also
tells us Mandy looked disoriented when she first brought her home, and the vet
told her Mandy is partially blind. Mandy is now gaining weight. Her
rescuer is very much hoping for a better situation for Mandy than she can
provide. "Hope your group can help provide her a better housing
situation since I have many dogs that I take care and foster that I get nervous
thinking that something can happen or she can get hurt".
Update 7/2/15: We've received this beautiful new picture of
Mandy Moore. Her rescuer also gave us an update - she looks lot better and since she is with all the old
chihuahuas and they are all friendly she is a happy girl. They don't play much
since most of them are 13 to 14 years old but she looks much better and her
skin improve tremendously.
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