Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Jack - Outcome Unknown

Name: Jack
Age: Estimated 10 - 12 years
Breed: Black Lab and Cocker Spaniel Mix
Sex: Male (altered)
Location: Venice, CA

Vet Info: Jack is confirmed neutered but is overdue for vaccines.  His owner told us he'll be getting Jack's vaccines updated, and will let us know when he has.  Jack has not had a recent heartworm test.  Jack's owner writes that Jack is completely blind.  He is not sure of the cause, but he tells us that Jack has always seemed to have visual issues, and now his owner believes Jack can't even see shadows.  Other than his blindness, his owner tells us Jack is in great health.  Jack weighs about 40 pounds.

Owner Info: Jack is a very handsome lab and cocker spaniel mix who has gone blind within the past 6 - 12 months.  His owner travels weekly for work and can no longer provide Jack with the time, attention, and stable environment that he now needs.  His owner writes that Jack lays in his room all day "and really needs someone who can keep him active and socialized".  He has reached out to several rescues, but received no response.

Jack is an indoor dog with run of the house, he is leash trained and housebroken, although his owner writes that he gets confused now that he is blind and may have an occasional accident.  Jack is described as outgoing, and is good with people of all ages and smaller male and female dogs.  He is not possessive of toys, treats, or food.  

When his owner first got Jack, Jack would snap with people touching his head, and he gave us more details:  "When I initially got him he had trust issues with people touching his head I approached and would give warning nips. He does not like to be kenneled, muzzled, or taken to the vet. In those cases he will snap out. He does not generally get along with large dogs....He does not do well in situations when another dog tried to dominate him."  

Jack's owner feels he adapts well to new situations, and writes, "Because of my increasing travel schedule over the past few years I have had to rely on several different people to watch Jack. He is accustomed to being introduced to new environments though now needs something stable."

Jack's owner wants us to know what a sweet and special boy he is!  "Jack is a very sweet animal who just wants to be loved."

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