Friday, February 24, 2012

Nicholas - Adopted

Name: Nicholas
Sex: Male (not altered)
Breed: Australian Shepherd Mix
Age: 3-4 months
Location: Stone Mountain, GA

Vet/Medical Info: Nicholas is due 2/25/2012 for his next set of puppy vaccines.  If he does not come in, they have to start over. These vaccines include distemper booster, parvo and adenovirus and do not include lepto. They said he's also old enough for a rabies vaccine but has not had one yet. His eyes are "abnormal", the right one is worse than the left. The third eyelid covers most of his right eye. There is occasional swelling in the right eye. He is deaf.

Owner Info: DOB November 2011. Nicholas was found on the streets, someone dumped this tiny puppy on Christmas Day. The people that took him in live in a townhouse and Nicholas doesn't have room to run and play. He is an indoor dog with the run of the house, he is not yet housebroken but they are working on it. He is also going through formal obedience training. He is an outgoing boy and is good with other dogs. They also have a Shih Tzu, he plays a little rough with the her to get her attention. She has never been friendly with other dogs. When they go to Petsmart shopping he has done well around other dogs and they think he would love to have another dog to play with. Nicholas adapts very well to new situations, he will learn the layout of the room very quickly. He is still a puppy so he still nips and needs something in his mouth to chew on and help him with the teeth that are coming through. He is fully blind in the right eye and has partial sight in the left eye. He can see good in the day light but darkness his sight is limited. He is also deaf. He has a sweet personality, just wants to play and stay near their feet. He is all white with a brown and black patch around his left eye. We have been advised that Nicholas received his rabies shot and puppy vaccinations yesterday (2/23), waiting on vet to open to verify this.

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