Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Name: Cory
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age: Estimated 3-4 years
Sex: Male (not altered)
Location: Dayton, OH

Vet Info: Cory is UTD with vaccinations but not yet neutered according to the Corgi Rescue he is currently with.

Owner Info: Cory was rescued by a Corgi rescue who are now looking for a forever home or other rescue, perhaps a blind dog rescue or special needs, where he will have more of a chance of finding a good home. Anyone who has ever known a blind dog will tell you that once acclimated, you forget they are blind and they are the same loving dogs, if not more so than the fully sighted! Cory will be no different, as he has already shown. This is the info we have from the rescue – “I rescued a 3-4 year old blind Shepherd mix from Anniston Animal Shelter in Annison, AL. I named him Cory. He weighs about 65-70 lbs and is completely blind but is a very smart dog. He can leave his wire crate in the living room, go outside to the patio and walk around the entire yard, come back on the patio and walk into his crate in the living room. I am a Corgi Rescue and I will have a hard time placing this dog into a good home. Therefore, I am interested in getting him into a blind rescue where he will have more of a chance of a good home. Is there anyone out there that will help this dog or knows of any rescue that might take him? Any help is most appreciated. 

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